Valley's Destiny Church
Offers you a new direction to your life!
We invite you to be part of our family. Your Life, Your Marriage, Your Home, Your Family are important to us.
We will share preaching and word studies, prayer for healing and problem solving. As a Church we have events and activities for the whole family, we will offer you friendship and fellowship. Come and Let's Grow Together!
Pastors Nuno and Jackie Rodriguez
Iglesia Destino del Valle
Te ofrece una nueva direccion a tu vida! Te invitamos a formar parte de nuestra familia. Tu Vida, Tu Matrimonio, Tu Hogar, Tu Familia son importantes para nosotros. Compartiremos predicaciones y estudios de la palabra, oracion por sanidad y solucion de problemas. Como Iglesia tenemos eventos y actividades para toda la familia, les ofeceremos nuestra amistad y companerismo. Ven y Crezcamos Juntos! Pastores Nuno y Jackie Rodriguez
Connect with us | Conéctate con nosotros
Contact & Location
Contacto y ubicación
Valley's Destiny Church
Iglesia Destino del Valle
701 W Eldora Rd, San Juan, TX 78589
(956) 584-1263